Behind the Scenes at the ICC Futures

Behind the Scenes at the ICC Futures
by Lily Camacho
December 18, 2019

The PDA Under-15 girls team reached the final at this year's ICC Futures tournament from December 11-15. Captain and center back Lily Camacho kept a daily journal documenting the experience.

I think I can speak for everyone on the team and say when we all got to the airport yesterday afternoon, we were very excited. Getting to travel to Florida and play top teams from all around the world is an unforgettable opportunity that many don’t get to experience. I know we have all been anticipating this trip but now it is finally here.

Although our team has travelled around the country playing together, it has never been like this. It feels like we’re professionals, meeting in the airport and all flying together. Getting bussed from hotel to the fields and having some of our games filmed and commentated. It’s all very exciting and new. 

ICC Day One

When the team woke up this morning we were all a little nervous but ready to play. We weren’t sure what to expect playing a team from England. Getting on the bus, we were all very pumped because we knew it was game time. At this point we were all focused on one thing, playing together and winning. When we arrived at IMG we got to see how awesome the facility is. There were flags with all the clubs as we walked in. The fields are the best fields we’ve ever played on. It was very cool for all of us that our game was filmed in a professional manner and commentated. Winning against Manchester City felt great because we worked hard and beat a well known and respected club. 

In the second game the heat, humidity and playing a game before definitely took a toll on us. However, the motivation that was shared between the team got everyone through the game. We realized that our legs were starting to give out and we had to start playing with our hearts. It definitely wasn’t our best game but we pulled through and got the job done. Playing the second game was definitely a true test of our teams character and grit and I think we proved that it’s strong.

The opening ceremony was memorable. All the teams at ICC sat together in the stadium. A captain and coach from each team walked onto the field to represent their club. I got the opportunity to do this and it is an experience I’ll never forget. Walking onto the field and seeing all my teammates cheering for me made me feel special. Not getting to play in this tournament has been a little upsetting but I felt so honored to represent PDA when I walked onto that field. 

Day one of this tournament is one for the books. We did what we came to Florida to do, work hard together and win. We are all very excited for the rest of the ICC. 

ICC Day Two

We started off the day pretty good, happy with our performance from yesterday. We all had breakfast together and then went for a team walk. Everyone got to enjoy the warm Florida weather and see all the palm trees that we don’t get in New Jersey. After walking around we all split up so we could get focused and work on homework. After hours had passed it was time to get ready. We met down at the meeting room to have an early dinner. After we finished, it was time to focus. We all got on the bus and did what we needed to do to get ready for the game. When we arrived at the IMG facility there was 90 minutes till the start of the game. Everyone was super pumped when we got into the locker room, we have never really been in a situation like this before. After a productive warmup we were ready for the game. We all lined up together in the tunnel under the bleachers. When we all walked out onto the field we could hear everyone cheering for us.

Although the result of the game was not what we wanted, it was a great experience and one we will be able to learn from. It was definitely a tough loss for the team against LAFC Slammers but we know that we are still in the tournament. We have the opportunity to fulfill the goal we had coming into this which was to win this tournament. It’s how we respond to times like these that really proves who we are as a team and the skills that we possess. 

ICC Day Three

Today we had a much needed off day. After breakfast we had a team meeting and discussed our performance last night. Then we all broke off into groups by positions and watched the game vs LAFC. We all discussed based on our position what needed to be improved upon. After about 90 minutes we all came back and shared these ideas. Great points and ideas were said and we got a better understanding of everything we can improve on going forward.

After the meeting we all had lunch and then broke off to get homework done. Later on in the day we went for a team dinner. When we came back it was gingerbread house competition time. All of our soccer numbers were put into a hat and picked. There were six teams of three. Everyone had 40 minutes to build and decorate their houses. After time was up we had to explain our houses to our two judges, Coach Mick and Nick. Everyone had very unique houses to say the least. Some stood up right and some did not. While I do think my groups house was the best, we did not win or even place in the competition. After the intense competition everyone relaxed and then went to bed.

ICC Day Four

While our off day was fun, we were ready to get back to playing. We had breakfast and then went down to IMG. We received ICC gear, were able to get our hair braided and filmed promo videos. It was a very awesome experience and very generous of ICC. When we got back to the hotel we ate lunch and then relaxed and worked on homework. After that we had dinner and got ready for the game. We arrived at the fields early and watched some of the FC Barcelona vs LAFC game. After that we had a productive warm up and it was game time.

That was one of the most exciting games of soccer we have ever been played. While it was nerve racking going into penalty kicks, everyone had a sense of confidence that helped us win the game. When Riley Miller had that amazing penalty kick save to win the game, we all went crazy. Everyone ran to her and dog piled. We were all so happy and relieved that we had won the game. Everyone was very proud of each other for what we all contributed to in the game. We never gave up and it showed.

We ended the night with a celebratory dinner. We are all very excited to make it to the ICC championship and can’t wait for what’s in store for us.

ICC Day Five

Today was the day. The ICC championship game vs FC Barcelona. We started off the day like every other day, with breakfast. After breakfast we had a team meeting. We discussed our game the night before and what we needed to do for our game today. After our team meeting we had some time to relax and get ready for the game. We then had lunch and left for the game. 

While the result of the game was not what we had hoped for, we are all still very honored to have been able to attend this tournament. How many people can say that they have played different teams from all over the world? Not many. Everything that we have experienced while being at ICC has been truly amazing. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity that we are all so thankful we were apart of. Although we didn’t win, we made it all the way to the championship and played great teams along the way. That is a huge accomplishment in itself. The memories that my team and I made while on this trip will always be remembered. We all had so much fun and are so thankful for everyone that made this trip possible. Thank you ICC and everyone apart of this trip.

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