TDS Combines: Super Y RSS Reg. II Girls XI

TDS Combines: Super Y  RSS Reg. II Girls XI
by TDS Unsigned Showcase
September 10, 2015

The best players from throughout Region II of the Super Y League descended upon Fort Wayne, Indiana this August. Here are the best girl players from the combine and weekend.

GK Maggie Grossman: Grossman is an incredibly athletic goalkeeper. She has decent technical skills, but separates herself from the rest through pure athleticism. She communicates well with her backline and has excellent distribution skills. Grossman is very good with the ball at her feet.

D Bonnie Lacey: Lacey is an all-around player who is very confident in her skills. She makes smart decisions and tracks runners very well. She is a great center back who has surprisingly good foot skills. Great potential at the next level if she continues to progress.

D Audrey Haines: Haines is a great leader who always gives her all. She is good with the ball and can spin out of pressure very well. She utilizes her soccer IQ to take up good positions, but with and without possession.  Haines is a good technical player and has the athletic body to make a complete soccer player.

D Quinn Wright: Wright is a smart player who finds the spaces and gaps very well. She has a good field of vision and the knowledge to anticipate play. Her touch is good, but can be improved to help alleviate pressure for her team. Overall, she makes good decisions and is very composed when trying to find the feet of her teammates. Wright is strong both on the ball and off, which is vital for any defensive player.

D Anne Major: Major is a presence on the back line. She showed great ability in the air and is strong on the ball. Major has a good soccer brain- she takes up good defensive positions, slides along the back line well and communicates effectively with her teammates.

M Alexis Finazzo: Finazzo has real potential to make a major impact at the next level. She has great strength, quickness, versatility and a skillset to strike fear in any opposing side. Finazzo is calm under pressure and always seemed to find the right pass. She has a great passing range, ability to run at defenders and is comfortable on either foot.

M Kendall Cunningham: Cunningham is a technical, skilled player who has a presence on the field. She communicates well and dictates play. Her feet are very quick which allows her to change direction well and easily glide past opponents. Cunningham is not afraid of pressure, it actually often brings the best out of her. Keep an eye on her!

M Amy Babon: Babon is a skillful player who is very good in 1v1 situations. She has an eye for a pass and is always looking to keep play moving. Babon scored goals throughout the weekend and also helped to provide multiple opportunities for her teammates. 

M Ana Mucci: Mucci is a ball handler who is confident in tight spaces. She turns very well and can see things a step or two ahead of her opponent. She is very quick over the first few steps. If Mucci adds a finishing touch to her attacking arsenal, she will be a major threat at the next level.

F Jordan Roderick-Fried: Roderick-Fried was the most dangerous player at the weekend event. She has imposing size and pace which will threaten any backline. She is great at dribbling at pace, holding the ball up and finishing comes natural. She scored multiple goals on the weekend. She has many tools in her arsenal. Roderick-Fried will be a threat at the college level if she continues to work hard and progress.

F Farrah Simpson: Simpson is a true leader who instantly gels with anyone she meets. She is very coachable. She constantly set the rhythm for whatever drill or game was taking place. Simpson combines a clean first touch with excellent dribbling and passing skills. For her size, Simpson is incredibly strong and holds the ball very well.

Honorable Mention: Ally Francisco, Stephanie Maniaci, Lauren Orlando, Madison White, Jessica Flores, Zoe Wright

Related Topics: Unsigned Showcase
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