Logan Keller

Logan Keller
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Soccer Honors
Team Captain
Selected by Colegio Santo Americo (BRAZIL) to play for them in their US tour 2015
Leads U-19 NPL team Excalibur in assists (plays as a 16 year old)
Selected and played in the North Coast Men's League as a 15/16 year old
All Academic award winner in every quarter in North Ridgeville High School
President of Junior National Honor Society
Received Highest Academic Honor for 4.3 GPA every grading period
Academic Varsity Letter winner both Fresh & Soph years
Goals & Assist leader for Excalibur SC U-16, U-17, & assist leader for U-19 teams for 2017-18 season
Led Excalibur U-16, U-17, U-19 in assists; U-16 & U-17 in goals (2018 spring)
2018 State Cup Finalist for U-17 (6th team in career to be finalist or champion in Ohio )
NHS National Honor Society inductee Junior year.
Youngest player (16; 2002) in the North Coast League (former pro, semi pro & college players)
Academic Honors
High School GPA: 4.2
SAT score: N/A
ACT score: 27
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