Julie Garst

Julie Garst
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Soccer Honors
ODP State Team
U.S. Soccer Training Invite
High School Soccer Achievements: 2015 All-District 11-AAA Player of the Year; 2014 All-District 11-AAA Team; 2014 Offensive MVP; Record for number of assists in a season; Record for most number of points in a season; Record for number of goals in a game
Helped TSC18 to Region III Semifinals
Currently holds Independence High School records for most goals scored in a game and single season
Holds Independence High School Record for Most Career Goals (achieved in two years - did not play freshman year)
2015 Tennessee High School Soccer Coaches Association All-State Team
2015 Independence High School Offensive MVP
Academic Honors
High School GPA: 4.4
SAT score: N/A
ACT score: N/A
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